Hello readers! How are you doing?
So this is my second post. Today I want to talk about shaming and abuse. Now many of you must be thinking what type of shaming and abuse I am talking about afterall there exsit so many. You name it, and oh yeah it will be there. Be it body shaming , clothes shaming, physical abuse, verbal abuse, social media abuse and list never ends. Isn't it surprising that we love and enjoy this shaming and abuse thing so much that we have found shaming in everything. How a person walks,talks,laughs,dresses,jumps etc. We so easily judge people on the basis of there colour, caste, way of speaking, sex, sexual preferences.
Nowdays one abuse is kinda"TRENDING" and that is social media abuse. If a person uploads a picture/video/writing material or any other stuff he/she gets number of comments. There are many positive comments but many more abusive comments. Why dont people understand that there is a difference between being critic and being abusive. I understand if you say that they should be strong, they shouldnt get affected by such comments but believe me abusive comments and messages actually hurt a lot. If you have been abused you can totally relate to this. Somewhere at the back of your mind they keep nagging. https://www.health.com/mind-body/influencers-clap-back-at-hurtful-comments
It is for those people who think that being abusive and doing body shaming is cool. C'mon people get some life. Live and let people live. And is it really fun?
I will try to make my blogs better and will come back supersoon with more relatable blogs.
Follow me on my instagram for more content @nextdoorgirl2020
Stay healthy and stay safe.
Love your life.